book stations
Ideas for the future of books

to the book stations website
Ideas for the future of books, authors, publishers, craftspeople, communities and the environment
So far, book stations are an idea — an idea for places that are all about books, the local community and the future of the planet.
Take a tour of the possibilities and features of a book station, and along the way you will be introduced to new business approaches, pepper books publishing, the bespoke books network, book stations worldwide and a lot more.
book stations tour
book stations tour
book stations tour
book stations tour
book stations tour
book stations tour
book stations tour
book stations tour

About the author
I love the idea of living in a simple house, built into the rocks of a cliff, with a view of the endless sea. I love the idea of this perfect little place where I could write.
Funny enough, while I love solitude, nature, the sea – I also love to create places where we can come together, places that don’t make us sick, places where we have reasons to laugh. And sometimes I wonder whether I build all those places so that I would enjoy going there.
Though, as I write these words, I sense that I might always prefer the house in the rocks. But I love the idea of walking down into the town, maybe half an hour on foot. Of course, this town has a book station, a dot.station and many other such places which allow us to unearth our talents and be and thrive and laugh.
Strangely, most of my life I lived in a city, Berlin. But I hope to pack my suitcase soon, bid my farewell and travel where my ideas and works will take me.
I enjoy solitude, but I also look forward to many a chance meeting, to many a collaboration for the future of our planet, to many nights of laughing, thinking, debating and maybe dancing.
I am, Charlie Alice Raya, and apparently a little solemn tonight.
A good place to get an overview of all the things I’m up to will be my new website: Presently, it’s under construction, but it will steadily fill up over the next weeks and months.
Meanwhile I am more than happy to discuss all the ideas introduced on this website. If you are interested in making the book stations happen, please, get in touch.

book stations specials
book stations special
book stations special
book stations special

Get in touch
You can use this form to join the projects, to support the projects, and for questions, inquiries, suggestions or comments.
Or you can write directly to
Emails will be answered within 72 hours whenever possible.