book stations worldwide
The company

In order to strengthen book stations, book workshops, the bespoke books network, pepper books publishing, libraries and bookshops, and to efficiently support all members of all networks, it makes sense to set up the umbrella company book stations worldwide.

for all book stations worldwide networks
Members of all networks exchange and share knowledge, innovations and skills.
Forestry network
The forestry network takes care of resources, protecting and providing them.
Raw materials network
The raw materials network protects and provides resources. This network includes a recycling network, plus energy and water providers.
Materials producers network
This network ensures sustainable production practices. The materials producers receive their raw materials from the forestry and the raw materials networks. And they supply their local or regional workshops.
Book stations network
Book stations are places that are all about books, the community and the future of the planet. The book stations from around the world cooperate with each other.
Book workshops network
Often book workshops will work at or closely with a local book station. But the workshops themselves also form a network for exchange and support. Plus book workshops might be part of a book station and of the bespoke books network.
Bespoke books network
A network to make bespoke book editions available worldwide. The network includes a base for admin, coordination and contracts, and a network of material suppliers and bespoke books workshops.
Book stations worldwide transport network
This network includes research, development and production of cargo bicycles, and software development for delivery coordination. Other transport options and logistic issues are also addressed by this network.
Networks for printers, illustrators, Braille, sign language and translators
These networks serve to connect the members to book workshops, book stations, the bespoke books network, and pepper books publishing.
pepper books publishing
A publisher who offers the work of authors from around the world, using the Millions of Dwarfs Approach.
Book gardens network
This is a network of all kinds book garden at book stations around the world for the exchange of ideas, innovations and the development of more book gardens.
Libraries are part of every book station. Ideas and research are shared with all libraries worldwide.
Bookshops are part of book stations, and other independent bookshops can join book stations worldwide for cooperation and support.